Monday, February 11, 2013

Urgent need to adopt national rice policy


Today if you look into Myanmar rice industry there are 3 distinct unsolved issues; ie: financial support or working capital to farmers, pricing and national rice policy.

Credit or working capital :

Annually, under the increase of production cost, rice farmers have been encountering difficulty in obtaining sufficient credit from official sources that they have to more or less partially depend on informal sources. In fact they are accessed to government loans from MADB  but not sufficient for the whole process of rice production therefore, they have to depend on informal credit with various interest rates. Presently, there is only one government bank MADB and has been providing loans to farmers operating under more than 200 outlets in more than 300 townships throughout the country. In 2013, the amount has been increased to 100000 MMK. Recent unconfirmed news, revealed that MADB will go public. In Harvard Kennedy School paper, it also pointed out that functions of MRDB should also be strengthened and upgraded to commercially oriented financial institution. It also suggested that to build a robust and diversified credit system.

It is suggested that credit extended by the " Leading Companies" should not be treated as normal provision of credit sources. It should be treated as under the process of  ' contract farming ' especially for niche quality rice for exclusive markets internally or externally.

 Moreover, foreign donors are also interested in micro financing for rural people. We need to look for possibilities to create a vibrant credit system with external foreign loans to start the initial stage and once it is fully and successfully operational we can pay back the loans.

Therefore, in the context of the rice stock policy, a portion of how financial support can be extended to rice farmers in long term should be prioritized. Actually this area has been neglected and less prioritized in the past and now it is the time to get new approach of credit system to rice farmers.

Pricing :

There has been a controversial issue between authority and stakeholders that if guaranteed procurement price has been set for a particular year, and if the price goes down beyond guaranteed price, government will have to oblige to procure paddy if farmers want to sell their production. On the other hand, setting up of  rice guaranteed price in particular year does not necessarily mean that government has to buy with guaranteed price. Because since 2009, (actually MAPT ceased buying paddy since 2003) government has no involvement in operations of rice procurement and marketing and therefore setting the guaranteed price is not correlated with obligation to buy but it is set for the purpose of stabilization of price. In that case who's going to buy with guaranteed price ?

National Rice policy

Who will look after the rice stock ? This is a serious question. Someone would say of course MRF should focus on national rice stock. Cos there is no governmental institution to look after the rice after post harvest. In that case, what is the role of government institutions? Should the private sector bear all the responsibility on their shoulders ? In fact, government institutions are gradually losing the control on rice, the major food commodity. Why do they have less focus on rice?  Because there is no concrete policy on rice. Are we go for hybrid rice? I think in most of the rice growing countries only 15-20% of the total production is hybrid rice.  In China alone because of its immense population its about 60%. Are our Myanmar farmers really thinking positive in growing hybrid rice ? Propaganda to grow hybrid rice, seasonal credit is limited, land is limited; you can see the conflict. How dare you organize to farmers you all must put the hybrid rice in your farms ?Where are the roles of traditional rice varieties such as Special Emata, Zeeya, Paw Sann Hmwe, Khut Cho etc:? Why Myamar rice has problems with quality whenever it is exported? Previously, it is believed that private sector had capacity to undertake processing of quality rice, but it is obvious that even in low grade rice( 25% ) some exporters encountered complaints from international buyers. All these are rooted from lagging of proper rice policy in the country.

When look into other rice producing countries OR rice importing countries even in the ASEAN, almost all the major players are all government institutions. NFA (Philippines), BULOG (Indonesia), BERNAS(Malaysia),  FCI( India), VINA FOOD I n II (Vietnam) and Warehousing Corporation(Thailand) etc: they all are government agencies representing the respective countries. Rice stock is solely handled by these government agencies or in some cases the private.

In order to handle the rice stock properly and systematically we should think about forming a Commission or Board or Authority with new objectives in line with the Rice Stock Policy. Such Institution should be constituted under the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation or Ministry of Commerce or formed with President's decree of Board of National Rice Stock  or National Rice Stock Commission. The institution will not carry out the actual operations but with the strength of its staff who are oriented in operational research and analysis would able to carry out the research and laid down some principles on supervising and control of  national rice stock in line with the rice stock policy. It is strongly supported the establishment of new agency or institution to manage the national rice stock properly.

 The following are the outlines on some of the issues and areas of focus to be considered when drafting National Rice Policy .

(a)            financial support (robust credit system)
(b)            setting up of guaranteed price
(c)            right to pledge land only to banks for credits
(d)            right to confiscate farmer's land by banks if they defaulted
(e)            contract farming ( niche products only with leading companies)
(f)            input subsidies
(g)            mechanization support
(h)            climate risks (possibility of insurance)
(i)            stock availability and demand
(j)            market infrastructure
(k)            investment
(l)            quality seeds production

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